Looking back at the year and the books I’ve read (and re-read) is a bit of a tradition for me. Last year was a good year for reading — at least for me — there was only one month (June) in which I didn’t read at least one book. Not sure what happened in June, but I more than made up for it the rest of the year. I don’t keep track of the non-fiction books I read, because those are mostly for book research and many times I’m only skimming and reading passages, not the entire book.
When I look at the list I’m not too surprised by the genres read. I’m a cozy mystery, fantasy, and science fiction junkie, but I did make a point to read a lot more books in romance last year than in previous years.
Without further ado, here are the novels I read in 2016, listed in reading order by month: Continue reading “75 Novels Read in 2016!”