As The Nerves Set In…

So, yeah. I’m off to the RWA® National Conference in a couple of days. A week from today, I’ll be sitting at the Awards Ceremony watching the RITA® and Golden Heart® winners being announced. Nervous? Me?

Hell yeah! (Which could be why I’m awake at 5:30am on a Saturday writing this post)

Honestly, though, I think I’m more nervous about the pitching than about the award. After all, the results from the final judges have been in for weeks. It isn’t like there’s anything I can do to change that. But pitching? That’s totally under my control to screw up.

Then, of course, there’s the fact that I’ll be visible. Because I’m a Golden Heart finalist. I’ve attended three previous National conferences and always flew under the radar, so to speak. I’m an extreme introvert when I’m by myself, and at those other conferences, I was mostly by myself. I never know what to say to strangers and tend to trip over my own tongue. I’m a bit terrified I’ll make a fool out of myself.

Still, that wouldn’t be as bad as the flip-side — where I’m still invisible, even with the final. Wouldn’t that take the cake? I’m all worried about having to conquer my shyness, only to not have anyone talk to me anyway. LOL.

I’ve decided to adopt a que sera sera attitude about the conference and just try to enjoy the heck out of it. If I mess up my pitches, well, so what? It won’t be the end of the world. And no matter what, I’m going to love meeting my fellow Firebirds in person! (I think I just talked myself down from the ledge…I hope)

Now for something completely different.

Today’s Moment of Zen: Roses from my garden. Enjoy!


Every Book Deserves A Soundtrack

Every writer gears up for a new project differently. Part of my process before doing any actual, you know, writing is to create a playlist for the new WIP. I may have the characters’ GMCs figured out and the major plot points roughed out, but until I get to the point where I’m adding songs to a dedicated playlist because they remind me of aspects of the characters or plot, my preparations feel unfinished. I suppose it’s because I’ve lived most of my life with my own soundtrack running through my head (somebody cue Jimmy Buffett).

The songs I choose aren’t deliberate, exactly. That is, I don’t go looking for songs to add. It happens organically–I hear a song and it triggers thoughts of a character or the story. Sometimes it’s a single phrase within the song, sometimes it’s pretty much the entire song. Listening to the playlist gets me in the mood for writing and deepens my understanding of the characters/story.

I finalized the playlist for my current WIP this past week (and I’ve started writing). I’d set the project aside for several weeks for various reasons that don’t need exploring at this juncture, but I’m back on track now and writing up a storm! So, here’s the playlist for the project I’m now tentatively calling: The Sundered Earth. The list is by “Song Title” (Performer) – Related Character (or STORY, if it’s plot related)

The Sundered Earth Playlist

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